Sunday, August 9, 2015

We have spent days and days and days sitting our g-daughter

We have spent three and a half days of the last four babysitting our grand-daughter. Her dad was to keep her one of those days but overslept picking her up between 3-4pm.she may even be here long.

I will be glad when school finally starts. And as she has said, "7 days Pawpaw", I know darling. But that's 8 days to many. Please don't get me wrong, I love her but it is time to head back to school and first grade.

I post another Freebie late yesterday call "Mirror, mirror on the wall..." and yes I stole the idea - sort of. Now, I did steal the idea but not the product. The idea was from an elementary teacher and I rebuilt the whole thing making it more middle/high school history/ELA/art related. So I guess I only 'stole' the idea, but I do that a lot from blogs, emails, Pinterest, web shopping, magazine reading. I even created some from and idea my brain thought of from a catalog the other day.
I come up with the weirdest things from the weirdest places at the weirdest times. My brain is always running. This one is no different. You COULD say I stole it from Disney, but it is just from my 60+ years of 'experiences' more than any thing else. 
I may walk outside with the dog this morning and have an idea hit me. It's like as soon as I sit in the rocking chair on the porch I get ideas which makes me want to come back to my laptop and create.
I just wish I could stop for ten minutes or so. But then I would be dead I guess.

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